Books and resources on MBCL
On the following pages you will find an overview of the books on MBCL in various languages, contributions on MBCL in other books, articles on MBCL and a growing collection of freely accessible webinars, lectures, podcasts and audio recordings. Enjoy! 🧡
Books on MBCL
With the growing awareness of MBCL in recent years, several books on MBCL have been published in different languages: English, Dutch, German, Spanish, French and Turkish.
MBCL in other books
There are contributions about MBCL in other books, which e.g. address the relational aspect of mindfulness, give an overview of current evidence-based mindfulness-based programmes as well as present programmes to increase empathy.
Articles on MBCL
Research on MBCL is growing with promising results in clinical and non-clinical populations, with face-to-face and online interventions, in uncontrolled and controlled, quantitative and qualitative studies. In summary studies show an increase of mindfulness, self-compassion, quality of life and resilience and a decrease of depression, self-criticism, anxiety, and stress levels.
MBCL in the media
Here you will find freely accessible webinars, lectures, podcasts and audio recordings of MBCL exercises.
Gain an overview over the contents of MBCL, experience MBCL exercises and learn about their backgrounds, and hear about the healing effects of compassion on our tendency to be harsh and critical on ourselves.