Certified MBCL Teachers & Professionals working with MBCL
Here you find the global register of certified MBCL teachers & professionals working with MBCL. Choose a registered MBCL instructor and enjoy his or her qualified guidance.
Certified MBCL Teachers are entitled to work as a Certified MBCL-Teacher and teach the 8-week MBCL course as it is designed under its name.
Inclusion in this Register is only accepted, if the teacher
- is certified to teach a recognized Mindfulness-Based Programme such as MBSR, MBCT or equivalent MBP, and meets the quality checks for good practice for mindfulness teachers in the country the MBCL course takes place;
- has successfully followed the full MBCL Teacher Training Programme; and
- has adequately taught at least one full MBCL course under supervision of a registered MBCL supervisor.
Please note: Only certified MBCL teachers are authorized and qualified to offer MBCL group courses named MBCL Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living.
Professionals working with MBCL offer elements of the MBCL programme, such as educational themes and practices, in their work setting under their own responsibility within the ethical guidelines of their profession. They may also offer adapted programmes based on MBCL under another name.
Inclusion in this Register is accepted, if the professional
- is certified in their country of residence to work as a recognized professional (health care, education, coaching) and meets the quality checks for good practice of their profession; and
- has successfully followed the full MBCL Teacher Training Programme.
Find a Certified MBCL Teacher / Professional working with MBCL
Country | Teaching Location | Name | Contact | Category | Profession | id |
Argentina | Mercedes Olivieri Acosta (Spanish, English, Dutch) | mailto:mercedesoa@hotmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 456 | ||
Austria | Insbruck | Markus Felder | http://www.markusfelder.at/achtsamkeit/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | 9 | |
Austria | Wien, Online | Klaus Kirchmayr | https://geist-reich.jetzt/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 10 | |
Austria | Wien | Martin Leitner | https://www.martinleitner.at/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 11 | |
Austria | Wien | Andrea Huber | https://www.andrea-huber.at/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 108 | |
Austria | Wien | Julia Hüffel | https://www.praxisderachtsamkeit.at/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 109 | |
Austria | Marz | Ingrid Bedenik | https://www.sinngrid.at/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 132 | |
Austria | Wien | Claudia Lindtner | https://www.fromhearttoheart.me/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | 495 | |
Austria | Karin Rubey | https://www.physiotherapie-rubey.at/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 515 | ||
Austria | Alexandra Kreuzeder | https://www.salzburg-coaching.at | Certified MBCL Teacher | 524 | ||
Austria | Wien | Dirk Meints | https://www.thinkwithyourheart.site/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | 530 | |
Austria | Kärnten, Wien, Online | Susanne Kopeinig | https://www.raum-des-innehaltens.at/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 575 | |
Austria | Wien | Dr. Susanne Pusarnig | mailto:ordination@pusarnig.at | Professional working with MBCL | 592 | |
Austria | Wien | Robert Aichinger | mailto:robert.aichinger@bhakwien10.at | Professional working with MBCL | 593 | |
Austria | Birte Dalbauer-Stokkebæk | http://www.birte-dalbauer-stokkebaek.at/ | Professional working with MBCL | 594 | ||
Belgium | Hasselt | Nathalie Cardinaels | https://www.mildenmindful.be | Certified MBCL Teacher | 12 | |
Belgium | Antwerpen | Dorine Esser | https://www.mindfulnessantwerpen.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulness Teacher (MBSR) & Compassion Teacher (MBCL); Meditation Instructor | 13 |
Belgium | Hasselt - Limburg | Lut Ghaye | https://www.in-mindfulness.be | Certified MBCL Teacher | 23 | |
Belgium | Gent, België en Nederland | Hannelore Helmich | mailto:hannelore.hethuis@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Klinisch psycholoog | 24 |
Belgium | Gent | Ingrid Jacobs | https://www.uzgent.be | Certified MBCL Teacher | 25 | |
Belgium | Schoten | Beja Pingnet | https://aandacht.be/trainers/beja-pingnet/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 26 | |
Belgium | Grembergen en Tielrode | Tania Verhulst | mailto:taniaverhulst@hotmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 27 | |
Belgium | Lommel | Thea Wienese | mailto:wienese@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 28 | |
Belgium | Online and live in Oostende/Bredene | Amalia Vermandere | mailto:amaliavermandere@hotmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulness & Compassion teacher, Mindful Yoga teacher, Singer Songwriter | 560 |
Brasil | Brazil | Ana Cristina Atanes | https://www.plenativamente.com.br | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Counsellor and mindfulness researcher | 14 |
Brasil | Curitiba-PR, Online | Mayra Pires Alves Machado | https://www.plenativamente.com.br | Certified MBCL Teacher | 15 | |
Brasil | São Paulo-SP, Online | Ana Regina Noto | https://www.ocentre.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 16 | |
China | Macau, China | Vincy, Che Weng Si | mailto:vincyche@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 457 | |
China | Online in Mandarin Chinese | Ning Jia | mailto:n.jia@umcg.nl | Professional working with MBCL | Psychologist | 673 |
Czechia | Katharina Mikošková | mailto:katharina.mikoskova@seznam.cz | Professional working with MBCL | 599 | ||
France | CHU de Bordeaux | Fairouz El-Hammar Vergnes | mailto:fairouz.el-hammar@chu-bordeaux.fr | Certified MBCL Teacher | 17 | |
France | France | Stéphane Faure | https://www.euthymia.fr/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 18 | |
France | Vannes, Bretagne, Online | Raphael Tavares | https://www.vivre-en-pleine-conscience.fr/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 21 | |
France | Poitiers, Paris, Bordeaux, Online | Laurence Thomas | https://www.consonanceandco.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 22 | |
France | Pau | Marc Belvaux | https://www.equanima.fr | Certified MBCL Teacher | 30 | |
France | France | Stéphane Faure | https://www.euthymia.fr | Certified MBCL Teacher | 31 | |
France | Rennes (Bretagne), en ligne | Angélique des Nétumières | https://www.psychologue-rennes35.fr | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Psychologist and certified MBCL and MBCT teacher | 32 |
France | En ligne (French), Online (English) | Jean-Daniel Rüedi | https://www.ocentre.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 33 | |
France | Compiègne and France, Swiss, Belgium Online (in French language). | Dominique Charleux-Larvor | https://www.meditationartdelarelation.fr/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Medical doctor, Therapist, Mindfulness instructor | 459 |
France | Olivier Lelouch | https://www.mbsr-toulouse.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 507 | ||
France | Paris, Pyla and online | Nathalie Faurie Minvielle | https://grainedemeditation.fr/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 514 | |
France | Guillaume Chaize | https://leguideetlane.fr/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 519 | ||
France | En ligne, Biarritz et Landes | Karine Yssambourg | https://karineptityogi.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 537 | |
France | Toul (54200) et online | Laure Mougin | https://www.essentiel.ovh | Certified MBCL Teacher | 545 | |
France | Près de Toulouse | Carole Potier Legallais | https://aucoeurdelapleineconscience.fr/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 554 | |
France | En présentiel sur les communes de Mios proche de Arcachon et Gradignan proche de Bordeaux | Isabelle Prince | https://www.meditation-mbsr-gironde.fr/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Infirmière, Enseignante MBSR et MBCL | 564 |
France | France | Jean-Jacques Verger | mailto:jjverger@efpnl.fr | Professional working with MBCL | Coach and Trainer | 605 |
France | Mayenne, France and online in French and English | Sandrine Gouallier | mailto:sgouallier@gmail.com | Professional working with MBCL | Facilitatrice et consultante en interventions basées sur la pleine conscience et la compassion | Mindfulness and Compassion teacher | 607 |
France | France and Switzerland | Anne-France Arnoux Saugnac | mailto:annefrance.saugnac@me.com | Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulness teacher, therapist & executive coach | 615 |
France | Enghien-les-Bains | Alain Jerome Roger | https://souleverlesmontagnes.org/ | Professional working with MBCL | Peer worker in health sector | 631 |
France | Paris | Julie Norcia Garnier | mailto:julie.norcia@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 665 | |
Germany | Dresden | Katharina Meinhard | https://www.yogadresden.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 110 | |
Germany | Radebeul | Anna Krebs | mailto:anna_krebs@web.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 111 | |
Germany | Leipzig | Janek Heller | http://mbsr-leipzig.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 124 | |
Germany | Leipzig | Heiko Rabenberg | https://www.wegzehrung.com/information/heiko-rabenberg/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 125 | |
Germany | Halle | Ralph Stuttmann | mailto:ralph.stuttmann@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 129 | |
Germany | Chemnitz | David Badock | https://www.mbsr-chemnitz.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 147 | |
Germany | Berlin | Wolfgang Schröder | https://dayaraja.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 149 | |
Germany | Berlin | Karin Nadig Haynes | mailto:kontakt@karin-nadig.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 150 | |
Germany | Berlin | Karin Neumann | mailto:info@mbsr-pankow.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 151 | |
Germany | Berlin | Wolfgang Beyer | mailto:wolbeyer@t-online.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 152 | |
Germany | Berlin | Walter Dieban | https://walter-dieban.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 153 | |
Germany | Berlin | Susanne Helbig | https://netzwerk-achtsamkeit.berlin/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 154 | |
Germany | Berlin | Anne Dahl | mailto:adahl13@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 155 | |
Germany | Berlin | Oliver Hug | https://heartfulwork.blog/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 156 | |
Germany | Berlin | Julia Augustin | mailto:office@julia-augustin.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 157 | |
Germany | Berlin | Susann Kiehne | https://stresslostest2.wordpress.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 158 | |
Germany | Berlin | Sabine Pinn | https://yoga-atelier-berlin.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 159 | |
Germany | Berlin | Elvira Sandkühler | https://elvira-sandkuehler.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 160 | |
Germany | Berlin | Birgit Balow | https://www.bb-perspektiven.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 161 | |
Germany | Lübben | Christine Goertz | https://www.christinegoertz.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 162 | |
Germany | Rostock | Elisabeth Heller | https://www.achtsam-mbsr.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 163 | |
Germany | Wipersdorf | Jana Lustig | http://mbsr-yoga-mecklenburg.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 164 | |
Germany | Hamburg | Britta Ibbeken | https://www.yogaanderalster.net/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 165 | |
Germany | Hamburg | Katharina Schacht | https://www.mbsr-eppendorf.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 166 | |
Germany | Hamburg | Klara Jobstmann | https://klarajobstmann.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 167 | |
Germany | Hamburg | Jasmin Saribaf | http://achtsamkeit-bergedorf.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 168 | |
Germany | Hamburg | Sylke Känner | https://www.sylke-kaenner.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 169 | |
Germany | Hamburg | Claudia von Allwörden | https://www.claudia-von-allwoerden.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 170 | |
Germany | Rosengarten, Neu Wulmstorf | Silke Lebender | https://achtsamkeitskurse-mbsr.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 171 | |
Germany | Wenzendorf | Hella Suderow | http://www.suderow-in-achtsamkeit.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 172 | |
Germany | Buxtehude, Hamburg, Würzburg, Berlin, Online | Jana Willms | https://www.achtsamkeit-willms.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 173 | |
Germany | Hamburg | Sagra Hannich | https://www.sagra-hannich.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 174 | |
Germany | Hamburg | Eva-Maria Röhreke | http://www.stressbewaeltigung-in-hamburg.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 175 | |
Germany | Hamburg | Heike Alsleben | https://www.heike-alsleben.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 176 | |
Germany | Lübeck | Annette Gieß | https://achtsamkeit-mbsr-luebeck.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 177 | |
Germany | Kiel | Edith Paulsen | https://www.mbsr-paulsen.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 178 | |
Germany | Kiel | Caroline Stiller | https://www.unternehmen-achtsamkeit.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 179 | |
Germany | Schleswig | Dagmar Loose | mailto:d.loose@diakonie-kropp.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 180 | |
Germany | Oldenburg | Anke Hoffmann | https://www.mbsr-ol.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 181 | |
Germany | Bremen | Victoria Norton | https://mindfulness-in-bremen.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 182 | |
Germany | Hannover | Nanette Klieber | http://www.klieber-mbsr.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 183 | |
Germany | Springe | Kerstin Schlaugat | mailto:kerstin.Schlaugat@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 184 | |
Germany | Bad Salzuflen | Anette Weber | Certified MBCL Teacher | 185 | ||
Germany | Büren | Doris Bast-Forster | http://www.bastforster.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 186 | |
Germany | Bielefeld | Karin Krudup | https://www.karin-krudup.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 187 | |
Germany | Vellmar | Beate Patzig | mailto:beate.patzig@t-online.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 188 | |
Germany | Marburg | Gertrud Blaurock | http://www.praxis-gertrud-blaurock.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 189 | |
Germany | Cölbe | Anja Richter | https://www.mbsr-marburg.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 190 | |
Germany | Kirchhain | Raisa Kunstleben | https://achtsamkeit-in-marburg.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 191 | |
Germany | Gießen | Ingeborg Reichl | http://www.mbsr-giessen.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 192 | |
Germany | Göttingen | Christoph Millington-Herrmann | https://psychotherapie-goettingen.eu/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 193 | |
Germany | Magdeburg | Anja Weise | https://www.achtsamkeit-magdeburg.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 194 | |
Germany | Düsseldorf | Marina Rauer | https://www.mbsr-marinarauer.de/mbsr/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 195 | |
Germany | Dortmund | Ute Franz | https://dortmund-mbsr.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 196 | |
Germany | Dortmund | Brigitte Kantz | https://dortmund-mbsr.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 197 | |
Germany | Dortmund | Bettina Scheja | https://www.achtsam-leichter-leben.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 198 | |
Germany | Bochum | Sabine Olier | http://www.mbsr-bochum.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 199 | |
Germany | Essen | Elke Scheffer | https://www.elke-scheffer.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 200 | |
Germany | Mülheim | Anke Wolf | mailto:anke.wolf.mh@web.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 201 | |
Germany | Wesel | Tanja Hesse | https://www.tanja-hesse.com/mbsr | Certified MBCL Teacher | 202 | |
Germany | Willich | Rose Berger-Muth | https://www.rose-berger-muth.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 203 | |
Germany | Münster | Christian Kreyerhoff | http://www.psychotherapeut-kreyerhoff.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 204 | |
Germany | Osnabrück | Christa Uldrich-Schartau | https://www.mbsr-osnabrueck.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 205 | |
Germany | Köln | Ralf Braun | https://www.achtsamkeit-seelsorge.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 206 | |
Germany | Köln | Michael Breker | https://www.achtsamkeits-zentrum.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 207 | |
Germany | Köln | Manfred Schmitz | https://mbsr-koeln.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 208 | |
Germany | Köln | Christina Poli | https://www.polibalance.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 209 | |
Germany | Rösrath | Margie Waltraud Oberle | https://www.facebook.com/achtsamkeitroesrath/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 210 | |
Germany | Bonn | Nikolaus Nagel | https://www.gesundheitsbildung-bonn.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 211 | |
Germany | Mainz | Monika Kansy | https://monika-kansy.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 212 | |
Germany | Olfen | Ulrike Dassel | http://www.mbsr-jetzt.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 213 | |
Germany | Marie Luise Ober | https://www.malusart.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 214 | ||
Germany | Frankfurt | Susanne Müllner | https://www.susannemuellner.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 215 | |
Germany | Frankfurt | Christian Stocker | https://hausamfluss.org/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 216 | |
Germany | Frankfurt | Jessica Granitza | https://jetzt.management/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 217 | |
Germany | Bad Vilbel | Renato Kruljac | https://www.achtsamkeit-intuition.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 218 | |
Germany | Bad Homburg | Stefan Machka | https://machka.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 219 | |
Germany | Neu-Isenburg | Henriette S. Hunger | https://www.chronos-kairos.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 220 | |
Germany | Darmstadt | Thomas Steininger | mailto:tr_steininger@yahoo.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 221 | |
Germany | Taunusstein | Judith Beutel | https://judith-beutel.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 222 | |
Germany | Neustadt/W. | Anja Brink | https://www.achtsamkeit-weinstrasse.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 223 | |
Germany | Neustadt an der Weinstraße | Ronny Ams | https://www.achtsamkeitmitgefuehl.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 224 | |
Germany | Mannheim | Mechthild Engelhorn | https://www.mbsr-engelhorn.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 225 | |
Germany | Mannheim | Martina Guthier | https://www.martina-guthier.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 226 | |
Germany | Oftersheim | Heide Graze | https://graze-lebensbalancen.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 227 | |
Germany | Reilingen | Alexander S. Berger | https://www.achtsamerleben.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 228 | |
Germany | Heidelberg | Brigitte Konrad | https://achtsamkeitspraxis-heidelberg.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 229 | |
Germany | Heidelberg | Simone Hensel | https://www.simone-hensel.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 230 | |
Germany | Heidelberg | Gabriele Vöhringer | mailto:augenblicknaklar@gmx.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 231 | |
Germany | Heidelberg | Birgit Wördehoff | https://stressloesungen.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 232 | |
Germany | Wiesloch | Andreas Ueltzhöffer | https://www.praxis-pt.de/https/-/www-praxis-pt-de/Dr-med-Andreas-Ueltzhoeffer/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 233 | |
Germany | Wiesloch | Ursula Scholl | https://scholl-pp.de/home | Certified MBCL Teacher | 234 | |
Germany | Mauer | Carola Pachunke | mailto:carola.pachunke@t-online.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 235 | |
Germany | Stuttgart | Ulrike Ohnmeiß | https://ulrikeohnmeiss.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 236 | |
Germany | Markgröningen | Annette Härtel | http://www.mbsr-haertel.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 237 | |
Germany | Aalen | Annegret Drescher | https://www.annegret-drescher.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 238 | |
Germany | Esslingen | Susanne Schnalzer | https://www.echt-zeit-coaching.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 239 | |
Germany | Orbachshof | Gabriele Diether | https://www.tryambakam.de/mbsr | Certified MBCL Teacher | 240 | |
Germany | Freiburg | Susanne Bregulla-Kuhn | mailto:s.bregulla@yahoo.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 241 | |
Germany | Freiburg | Klaus Kuhn | https://psychotherapie-kuhn.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 242 | |
Germany | München | Günter Bubbnik | https://mindful-minds.com/gunter-bubbnik/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 243 | |
Germany | München | Siegmar Mönch | https://www.siegmarmönch.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 244 | |
Germany | München | Eva-Maria Bauer | mailto:eva.bauer@hanrieder.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 245 | |
Germany | Dingolfing | Claudia Daffner-Bugia | https://mbsr-daffner.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 246 | |
Germany | Ingolstadt | Martin Steca | http://www.martinsteca.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 247 | |
Germany | Freising | Reinhard Hesse | mailto:hesse.reiner@t-online.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 248 | |
Germany | Augsburg | Petra Schiller | http://www.mbsr-augsburg.biz | Certified MBCL Teacher | 249 | |
Germany | Augsburg | Jutta Muttenhammer | https://www.praxis-muttenhammer.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 250 | |
Germany | Stadtbergen | Michaela Schimanek | http://www.mbsr-augsburg.biz | Certified MBCL Teacher | 251 | |
Germany | Bolsterlang | Susanne Kuhn | https://bewegtundstill.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 253 | |
Germany | Nürnberg | Sigrid Rupprecht | https://www.praxis-fuer-achtsamkeit-und-gesundheit.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 254 | |
Germany | Nürnberg | Achim Kollros | https://www.mbsr-kollross.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 255 | |
Germany | Nürnberg | Sybille Seegy | https://praxis-fuer-achtsamkeit-und-gesundheit.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 256 | |
Germany | Bubenreuth | Sonja Hofmann | https://www.achtsam-systemisch.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 257 | |
Germany | Herrieden | Andrea Löser | mailto:praxis@ein-stueck-weit.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 258 | |
Germany | Herrieden | Jörg Mangold | https://achtsamkeitundselbstmitgefuehl.de/courses/mindfulness-based-stress-reduktion-mbsr/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 259 | |
Germany | Regensburg | Madeleine Kamper | https://mbsr-zentrum-regensburg.de/team/madeleine-kamper | Certified MBCL Teacher | 260 | |
Germany | Holzkirchen | Cornelius von Collande | http://www.collande.eu/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 261 | |
Germany | Würzburg, Mainfranken-Spessart | Tjorven Figge | mailto:tjorvenfigge@gmx.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 262 | |
Germany | Dresden | Dennis Alter | https://mbsr-achtsamkeit-dresden.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 501 | |
Germany | G. Ulrike Tautenhahn | https://www.mbsr-oberland.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 502 | ||
Germany | Heidelberg, Online | Katja Kaess | https://www.achtsam-in-heidelberg.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 503 | |
Germany | Manuela Haase | https://www.achtsamkeitskurs.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 508 | ||
Germany | Sabine Böller | https://www.raumfuerachtsamkeit.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 511 | ||
Germany | H22299 Hamburg und 25764 Wesselburen (Schleswig-Holstein) | Gabriela Voß | https://www.gabrielavoss.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 527 | |
Germany | Süddeutschland, Bodensee, Online | Sabine Gebhardt | https://blog.zeit-fuer-achtsamkeit.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 539 | |
Germany | München | Norbert Schmitz | https://www.norbertschmitz.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 557 | |
Germany | München | Alexandra de la Rosée | https://praxis-delarosee.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 588 | |
Germany | Randi Kühn-Teiche | mailto:randi.kuehn-teiche@web.de | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | 589 | ||
Germany | Nadine Meyer | https://www.lebeachtsam-hamburg.de/ | Professional working with MBCL | 595 | ||
Germany | Dagmar Lang | mailto:dagmar.lang@koeln.de | Professional working with MBCL | 596 | ||
Germany | Region Hamburg, Online | Franziska Wulff | https://www.im-leben-zu-hause.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 627 | |
Germany | Walsrode und Umgebung, Online | Björn Gieseke | https://www.mbsr-walsrode.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 630 | |
Germany | Rheinland Pfalz, Neustadt a.d.W., Online | Marco Fraleoni | https://www.helden-im-jetzt.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 632 | |
Germany | Erfurt, Online | Denisa Sandbothe | mailto:info@psyche-geist-seele.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 633 | |
Germany | Stuttgart (Präsenz), Online | Daniel Beerstecher | https://www.diekunstderentschleunigung.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 635 | |
Germany | Germany and Italy - Online | Katharina Schick | https://www.moanamind.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Neuroscientist (M.Sc.), Psychologist (B.Sc.), Mental Coach | 642 |
Germany | Achen, Online | Dagmar Heinrich | https://peacemymind.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 672 | |
Germany | Darmstadt | Antje Miksch | mailto:antje.miksch@eh-darmstadt.de | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Hochschulprofessorin, Gesundheitswissenschaftlerin | 683 |
Germany | Großraum Frankfurt, Online | Berta Tisowsky | https://berta-tisowsky.de/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 689 | |
Hongkong | Hongkong | MaryAnn Voli | mailto:info@voliconsulting.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 34 | |
Ireland | Dublin, Kildare, Online | Dominic Cogan | https://www.dominiccogan.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 36 | |
Ireland | Dublin 5 | Noreen Kelly | mailto:noreenkelly5@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 37 | |
Ireland | Lusk, County Dublin | Anne Kirwan | https://www.ashehouse.ie | Certified MBCL Teacher | 38 | |
Ireland | Trinity College, Dublin | Annemarie Naughton | mailto:naughtoa@tcd.ie | Certified MBCL Teacher | 39 | |
Ireland | Dublin, Kildare | Kathleen Neenan | mailto:ktneenan@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 40 | |
Ireland | Galway | Sue Redmond | https://www.sueredmond.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 41 | |
Ireland | Dublin 12, Dublin 13 | Deirdre Ruane | mailto:deirdreruane3@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 42 | |
Ireland | Co Limerick, online and face to face throughout | Hilary Smyth | https://www.kindmindireland.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulness & Compassion Meditation Teacher | 43 |
Ireland | Dublin | Orla Burchael | mailto:orlaburchael@eircom.net | Certified MBCL Teacher | 98 | |
Ireland | Dublin | Eileen Canny-Fitzpatrick | mailto:eileenbcanny@eircom.net | Certified MBCL Teacher | 99 | |
Ireland | Dublin | Patrick Coughlan | mailto:patcoughlan21@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 100 | |
Ireland | Wicklow | Jean Lynch | mailto:jean.lynch@ucd.ie | Certified MBCL Teacher | 102 | |
Ireland | Co. Monaghan | Helen Mc Crarren | mailto:helenmccrarren@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 103 | |
Ireland | Co. Dublin | Martina McNamara | mailto:martinamcfadian@hotmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 104 | |
Ireland | Co. Dublin | Joanne O’Malley | mailto:joanneomalley@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 105 | |
Ireland | Cork | Norah Twomey | mailto:noraha.twomey@hse.ie | Certified MBCL Teacher | 106 | |
Ireland | Dublin and online | Barbara Sweeney | mailto:bsweeney@sfh.ie | Certified MBCL Teacher | 568 | |
Ireland | Cork, Ireland | Brian McMahon | mailto:brian.mcmahon@mtu.ie | Professional working with MBCL | Lecturer in Sociology, Social Care and Community Development at Munster Technological University | 601 |
Italy | Italy and Germany, live and online | Katharina Schick | https://www.moanamind.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Neuroscientist (M.Sc.), Psychologist (B.Sc.), Mental Coach | 476 |
Italy | Italy, the Netherlands and other EU countries - motly in English. | Lelia Spada | mailto:info@leliaspada.com | Professional working with MBCL | Well being care taker, coach | 609 |
Japan | Japan | Kiyoko Inoue | https://www.mindfulness-japan.org | Certified MBCL Teacher | 44 | |
Japan | Japan | Kenya Miyamoto | https://www.mindfulness-japan.org | Certified MBCL Teacher | 45 | |
Lithuania | Lina Bagdonavičienė | http://www.bagdonaviciene.psichologas.lt/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 483 | ||
Lithuania | Lina Noreikiene | mailto:jakaitelina@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 484 | ||
Lithuania | Lithuania | Jurgita Vainauskienė | mailto:jurgita0503@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Psychologist | 485 |
Lithuania | Lithuania | Ausra Bolgova | https://www.ausrabolgova.lt | Professional working with MBCL | Counselling Psychologist and certified MBSR/MBCT teacher | 603 |
Lithuania | Lithuania and online in English | Ramunas Janavicius | https://www.perdegimas.lt/ | Professional working with MBCL | Medical doctor, psychotherapist | 610 |
Lithuania | Lithuania | Ieva Mačionytė | mailto:ieva.lyja@gmail.com | Professional working with MBCL | Certified mindfulness teacher. | 611 |
Lithuania | Lithuania | Dovile Valiune | https://valiune.lt/ | Professional working with MBCL | Psychologist and psychotherapist | 620 |
Lithuania | Lithuania | Rūta Suchockaitė | https://psichologaskonsultantas.lt | Professional working with MBCL | Psychologist psychotherapist (CBT), mindfulness teacher | 624 |
Lithuania | Kėdainiai Primary Health Care Center Department of Mental Health (PSPC) and Public Health Office of Kėdainiai District Municipality (VSB) | Vilija Racevičienė | mailto:vilija.raceviciene@yahoo.com | Professional working with MBCL | Art therapist, psychologist, MBSR / MBCT teacher | 638 |
Lithuania | Vilnius - on site and online | Jurgita Pladė-Nekrošienė | mailto:jurgita.plade@gmail.com | Professional working with MBCL | Education - Edukacija garsu" | 688 |
Luxembourg | Schifflange | Nicole Zians | mailto:nicolezians@hotmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 118 | |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg City, Luxembourg | Kate Ensor | https://www.realisemindfulness.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 628 | |
Netherlands | Leiden en Den Haag | Cathy Ziengs | https://cathyziengs.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulness teacher and supervisor | 35 |
Netherlands | Son en Breugel (Noord-Brabant) en online | Birgitte Beelen | https://www.syntagma-pmct.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 263 | |
Netherlands | 't Waar (Gr) | Connie Bos | https://www.eerstelijnspraktijk.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 264 | |
Netherlands | Internationally live and online (co-founder MBCL) | Erik van den Brink | https://mbcl.org | Certified MBCL Teacher | 265 | |
Netherlands | Glimmen | Annetje Brunner | https://www.dewerkschuur.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 266 | |
Netherlands | Groningen | Rommy Hutting | https://www.sense-aandachttraining.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 267 | |
Netherlands | Groningen | Stefanie Kaiser | https://www.stefaniekaiser.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 268 | |
Netherlands | Internationally live and online (co-founder MBCL) | Frits Koster | https://fritskoster.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 269 | |
Netherlands | Groningen | Janna Nienhuis | https://www.vaardigleven.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 270 | |
Netherlands | Groningen | Ahobel Nuytinck | mailto:ahonuy@hotmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 271 | |
Netherlands | Assen | Carla Roberts-Oort | mailto:carlaoort17@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Trainer MBSR, MBCT en MBCL, Verpleegkundig Specialist GGZ | MSc | 272 |
Netherlands | Groningen | Bree Smej | https://leavesandroots.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 273 | |
Netherlands | Wildervank (Gr) | Tineke Springer-Wilms | https://www.cbpg.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 274 | |
Netherlands | Haren (Gr) | Hantzen Stevenson | https://www.stevenson.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 275 | |
Netherlands | Groningen | Jacqueline Tolhoek | mailto:Jacqueline@iPractice.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | GZ psycholoog | 276 |
Netherlands | Groningen en Haren | Fokje Westerling | https://www.solidconcepts.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 277 | |
Netherlands | Mantgum (Fr) | Eef Heinhuis | https://www.8je.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 278 | |
Netherlands | Burgh-Haamstede, Zeeland | JoYce de Rozario | https://www.joycederozario.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 279 | |
Netherlands | Bakkeveen | Sietske Russchen | https://www.sietskerusschen.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 280 | |
Netherlands | Hoogeveen | Andrea Bergström | https://www.2bemindful.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 281 | |
Netherlands | Emmen | Angeline Delicaat | https://www.zinspirit.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 282 | |
Netherlands | Roderesch | Maria Douwes-Hulzebos | https://www.cadransolaire.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 283 | |
Netherlands | Zuidlaren | Trees de Jong | https://www.praktijkdejong-mindfulness.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 284 | |
Netherlands | Meppel | Diny Kiers | https://www.zienmindfulnessmeppel.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 285 | |
Netherlands | Noordscheschut (Dr) | Ghea Kamphuis | mailto:contact@purezielkracht.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 286 | |
Netherlands | Hoogeveen | Annemarie Leenders | mailto:a.leenders@swwh.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 287 | |
Netherlands | Vollenhove | Ina Fischer | https://www.inafischer.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 288 | |
Netherlands | Vriezenveen | Ilona Heuver | https://www.mindfulnesstwenterand.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 289 | |
Netherlands | Kampen | Ingrid ter Horst | https://www.coaching-perspectief.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 290 | |
Netherlands | Enschede | Nancy Meesters | https://www.mindfulnessenschede.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 291 | |
Netherlands | Zwolle | Annalies Otten Hagen | https://www.mhooj.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | SPV, Psychosociaal Therapeut (verbaal en beeldend) en CFT | 292 |
Netherlands | Steenwijkerwold | Anette Plinck | https://www.altijdmindful.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 293 | |
Netherlands | Zwolle | Ilse Raanhuis | https://www.ontwikkeljeleiderschap.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 294 | |
Netherlands | Deventer en Burgh-Haamstede (Z) | Mariet Rutten | https://www.mindbody-training.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | CAM en Trauma Sensitieve Therapeut, auteur | 295 |
Netherlands | Deventer | Fabiola Schurmans | https://www.psychotherapie-deventer.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 296 | |
Netherlands | Zwolle e.o. | Evelien van der Velde | https://www.praktijkdebuitenplaats.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Psycholoog | 297 |
Netherlands | Zwolle | Tiny Westerink | http://www.holistischemassagetherapie.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 298 | |
Netherlands | Almere, Zeist, Amersfoort | Gretta Simonis | mailto:gretta.simonis@molemann.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 299 | |
Netherlands | Dronten, Flevoland | Yvonne Tuinte | https://www.centrumvoormindfulnessflevoland.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulnesstrainer, verloskundige | 300 |
Netherlands | Velp | Carolien Aarnink | https://www.mindfulnessvelp.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 301 | |
Netherlands | Bennekom, Ede, Wageningen | Marijke Baden | https://www.pipta.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 302 | |
Netherlands | Epse | Ellen Boelens-van der Knoop | https://www.mindfulheartfulliving.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 303 | |
Netherlands | Zevenaar | Mareike Brian | https://www.helderwijs.nu | Certified MBCL Teacher | 304 | |
Netherlands | Zutphen | Ronald de Caluwé | https://www.relaxmore.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 305 | |
Netherlands | Den Dolder | Mieke Degenaar | https://www.heelimperfect.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 306 | |
Netherlands | Vorden (Gld) | Ilse van Dijk | https://www.demindfulnesszaak.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 307 | |
Netherlands | Ermelo, Nijkerkerveen | Angela van der Hout | https://www.mindfulgenieten.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 308 | |
Netherlands | Nijmegen | Ellen Jansen | https://www.radboudcentrumvoormindfulness.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 309 | |
Netherlands | Heilige Landstichting (bij Nijmegen) | Wendy Kersemaekers | https://www.kersenpit-mindfulness.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 310 | |
Netherlands | Arnhem | Vera van Middelkoop | mailto:v.van.middelkoop@propersona.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 313 | |
Netherlands | Hall (bij Zutphen) | Jantine Peters | https://www.aandachtgeeftjekracht.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 314 | |
Netherlands | Nijmegen | Ancilla van Steekelenburg | mailto:avsteekelenburg@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 316 | |
Netherlands | Arnhem | Sabine Stückmann | https://www.mindfulnessinmotion.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 317 | |
Netherlands | Ede | Grietje Tammenga | https://www.binnenplaats-ede.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 318 | |
Netherlands | Vught en Langenboom (bij Grave) | Gijs Tecklenburg | https://trainthebrain.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 319 | |
Netherlands | Ubbergen | Alda Teeuwen | mailto:aldateeuwen@online.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 320 | |
Netherlands | Arnhem, Velp, Wageningen | Raymond Wiggers | https://sesara.nl/over-sesara/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 322 | |
Netherlands | Woudenberg | Willem de Groote | https://www.gezondwerk.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 324 | |
Netherlands | Bunnik | Florus Kruyne | https://www.floruskruyne.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 325 | |
Netherlands | Maartensdijk | Sonja Mars | Certified MBCL Teacher | 326 | ||
Netherlands | Amersfoort en Hoogland | Gerdine van Nieuwpoort | https://www.mindfulnesswerkt.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 327 | |
Netherlands | Utrecht en online | Hester Noort | mailto:hestern@ziggo.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulness en ACT-trainer, coach | 328 |
Netherlands | Bunnik | Willeke Oldenhof | mailto:https://www.info@kompraktijk.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 329 | |
Netherlands | Utrecht | Marjan Ossebaard | https://www.i2l.nl/nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 330 | |
Netherlands | Houten | Carla Prick | https://www.cprick.nl | Professional working with MBCL | Psychotherapeut (BIG geregistreerd) | 331 |
Netherlands | Vreeland (U), Online | Peter Prommel | mailto:p.prommel@me.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 332 | |
Netherlands | Leusden | Eline Snel | https://www.elinesnel.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 333 | |
Netherlands | Utrecht | Shiva Thorsell | mailto:s.thorsell@senzggz.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, compassion teacher | 334 |
Netherlands | Utrecht | Marion Weustink | mailto:marionweustink@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 335 | |
Netherlands | Hoogland (gem. Amersfoort) | Henk Willems | https://www.mindfulnesswerkt.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 336 | |
Netherlands | Utrecht | Hanny de Win | mailto:hdewin@hotmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 337 | |
Netherlands | Den Haag en Nieuwegein | Inge Witkamp | mailto:Iwitkamp@me.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 338 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam | Wineke van Aken | https://www.mettamind.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 339 | |
Netherlands | Zwaag (NH) | Nina Allaries | https://www.yoganina.eu | Certified MBCL Teacher | 340 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam | Marleen ter Avest | https://www.marleenteravest.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Psycholoog | 341 |
Netherlands | Amsterdam | Judith Basten-Boerema | https://www.suenjatrainingen.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 342 | |
Netherlands | Huizen (NH) | Marie-Anne Berends | Certified MBCL Teacher | 343 | ||
Netherlands | Amsterdam | Rob Brandsma | https://www.demindfulnessacademie.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 344 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam, Den Haag | Charlotte Gmelig Meijling | https://www.charlotteG.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 345 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam-Noord, Amersfoort | Chris Grijns | https://www.mindfulwerken.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 346 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam, Online | Bart Hansma | mailto:bjhansma@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 347 | |
Netherlands | Hilversum | Nienke Heijbroek | https://www.nienkeheijbroek.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 348 | |
Netherlands | Haarlem e.o. | Hilka Jelsma | https://www.hilkajelsma.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Sport- en prestatiepsycholoog, musicus | 350 |
Netherlands | Amsterdam | Wouter de Jong | https://www.wouterdejong.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 351 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam | Marlou Kleve | https://www.marloukleve.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 352 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam-IJburg en -Centrum | Anurag ten Klooster | https://www.anurag.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 353 | |
Netherlands | Amstelveen en Schoorl | Caroline van Kolmeschate | https://invivoclinics.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 354 | |
Netherlands | Hoorn | Conny van Meer | https://www.depraktijkhoorn.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Gestalttherapeut, adem- en ontspanningstherapeut | 355 |
Netherlands | Haarlem, Beverwijk | Wolfram Meyer | mailto:info@wolframmeyer.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 356 | |
Netherlands | Noord-Holland, Online | Christianne Moussault | https://www.werkmetaandacht.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 357 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam | Karin Rekvelt | https://www.keyworks.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 358 | |
Netherlands | Naarden, Bussum | Roeland Schaddelee | https://www.mindfulnesspsycholoog.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | GZ-psycholoog | 360 |
Netherlands | Haarlem | Titia Schram | https://www.titiaschram.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 361 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam, Zaandam | Ilonka Terlouw | https://www.ilonka-terlouw.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Relatietherapeut en coach | 362 |
Netherlands | Amstelveen, Amsterdam-rivierenbuurt | Yu-Wen Tjiong | https://www.mindfulhealthcare.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 363 | |
Netherlands | Leersum | Helma Ton | https://aandachtsontwikkeling.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 364 | |
Netherlands | Middenbeemster, Purmerend | Olga van de Velde | https://www.younion.info | Certified MBCL Teacher | 365 | |
Netherlands | Haarlem | Maryvonne Verkerke | https://gentleminds.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 366 | |
Netherlands | Blaricum | Willemijn Westhof | https://www.hart2hart.nu/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 367 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam | Marije van Yperen | https://www.ziezee.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Psychotherapeut | 368 |
Netherlands | Zelhem | Jolande van Bokhorst | mailto:jolande.vanbokhorst@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 369 | |
Netherlands | Den Haag | Hende Bauer | https://www.centrummindfulness.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 370 | |
Netherlands | Rotterdam | Michèle Belder | https://www.praktijk-puntegale.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 371 | |
Netherlands | Rotterdam | Anton Boels | https://www.mindyou.eu | Certified MBCL Teacher | 372 | |
Netherlands | Dordrecht | Patries Dekkers | https://www.mindfulness-dordrecht.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 373 | |
Netherlands | Den Haag | Suzan van der Goes | https://www.epiphanycoaching.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 374 | |
Netherlands | Delft, Rotterdam | Esther Hasselman | https://heartfulnesstraining.nu/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 377 | |
Netherlands | Leiden, Den Haag e.o. | Kees Kennedy | mailto:keeskennedy@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Dermatoloog | 378 |
Netherlands | Barendrecht | Monica Kerskes | https://www.mindfulness-rotterdam.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 379 | |
Netherlands | Den Haag | Leontine Lenferink | https://www.nu-n-nu.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Coach | 381 |
Netherlands | Rotterdam | Ingrid Moerman | https://www.bemindful.eu | Certified MBCL Teacher | 382 | |
Netherlands | Den Haag | Ineke Moers | mailto:inekemoers@outlook.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 383 | |
Netherlands | Leiden | Irene Pijnse van der Aa | https://www.heartfulmoments.nl/nl-nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulnesstrainer en coach | 384 |
Netherlands | De Lier (ZH) | Ariette Riezebos-de Groot | https://www.mindfulnessriezebos.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 385 | |
Netherlands | Voorburg, Gouda, Delft | Hergen Schuringa | https://www.hergenschuringa.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 386 | |
Netherlands | Delft | Jacqueline Straus | https://www.andereblik.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 387 | |
Netherlands | Noordwijkerhout, Leiden | Nicolette Tijdgat | mailto:info@simplybthere.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 388 | |
Netherlands | Leiden | Ida Tuinhof | https://www.tuinhofvitaal.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 389 | |
Netherlands | Rotterdam | Huub de Weerd | https://www.mindfulnesspraktijk-huubdeweerd.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 391 | |
Netherlands | Gapinge (Z) | Joke de Vrieze | https://www.meditatiezeeland.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 392 | |
Netherlands | Helmond | Annelies van Bree | https://www.inneractie.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Lichaamsgerichte psychotherapie | 393 |
Netherlands | Eindhoven | Paul van Gemert | https://www.paulvangemert.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | psychosociaal therapeut en coach | 394 |
Netherlands | Riethoven (NB) | Ronald Hochstenbach | https://www.mindfulnesstrainingen.info | Certified MBCL Teacher | 395 | |
Netherlands | Den Bosch e.o. | Sigrid Hoppener | https://www.essare.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 396 | |
Netherlands | Oosterhout (NB) | Janine Juncker | mailto:j.juncker@casema.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 397 | |
Netherlands | Tilburg | Laura Las | https://www.lauralascoaching.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Internal Family Systems (IFS), Voice Dialogue en Psychodrama | 399 |
Netherlands | Rijsbergen (bij Breda) | Suzan Oostvogels | https://www.suzanoostvogels.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Psycholoog | 400 |
Netherlands | Den Bosch | Linda Toonen | https://www.aandachts.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 404 | |
Netherlands | Zuidlaren | Peter Paanakker | https://www.peterpaanakker.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 405 | |
Netherlands | Maastricht | Carla Spitz | https://www.mindfullimburg.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 406 | |
Netherlands | Harmelen | Forien van den Belt | https://www.forien.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 453 | |
Netherlands | Mariënheem | Marion Kogelman-Bloo | https://www.mindfulnessmetmarion.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 458 | |
Netherlands | Nijmegen e.o. | Rinie van den Boogaart | mailto:rinie.vandenboogaart@radboudumc.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Maatschappelijk werker, compassietrainer | 481 |
Netherlands | Venlo | Leen Hermkens | https://mindfulvenlo.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 482 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam | Josje Arnoldi | https://www.josjearnoldi.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Klinisch psycholoog | 492 |
Netherlands | Marleen Pasmans | mailto:mhmpasmans@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 493 | ||
Netherlands | Santpoort en online | Yvonne van Kooten | https://www.yvonnevankooten.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Geestelijk verzorger | 510 |
Netherlands | Hiske van Ravesteijn | https://www.hieraanwezig.nu | Certified MBCL Teacher | 520 | ||
Netherlands | Philip Kocken | https://www.pikobee.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 523 | ||
Netherlands | Amersfoort | Jan Kees Helms | https://deeezmindfulness.wordpress.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 555 | |
Netherlands | GGzE Eindhoven | Noor van Overbeek | mailto:noor.van.overbeek@ggze.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 576 | |
Netherlands | Delft | Jolanda Naaktgeboren | https://www.fullymind.nl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 577 | |
Netherlands | Delft, Den Haag and Online | Wendy Sturrock | https://onelovemindfulness.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 625 | |
Netherlands | South-East Drenthe and Online | Jolanda van Lunen | https://jop26.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Orthopaedagogist and Coach | 643 |
Netherlands | GGzE, Eindhoven | Denise Biersteker | mailto:denise.biersteker@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Casemanager | 644 |
Netherlands | Breda - Dordrecht - Rotterdam | Wilma Veldhuis | https://www.inpeace.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Maatschappelijk werk, coaching, mindfulness, yoga en systemisch werk | 648 |
Netherlands | Amersfoort | Lynn Hillwood | https://www.serenewarrior.nl/ | Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulness- & compassietrainer, psychodynamisch therapeut | 649 |
Netherlands | Adelante revalidatiecentrum, Hoensbroek | Carla Palmen | mailto:carla.palmen@adelantegroep.nl | Professional working with MBCL | Psychosomatische fysiotherapie | 650 |
Netherlands | Zwolle | Joke Potjewijd | mailto:j.potjewijd@isala.nl | Professional working with MBCL | MD, pediatrician (medisch specialist, kinderarts) | 651 |
Netherlands | Velserbroek en Haarlem | Marlies Helman | https://leefmindful.nl/ | Professional working with MBCL | Sociaal Psychiatrisch Verpleegkundige (SPV), trainer en coach | 652 |
Netherlands | Midden-Nederland | Babette Kuipers-Hiensch | https://mindfulwerkenmetcompassie.nl/ | Professional working with MBCL | Coach en trainer | 653 |
Netherlands | Rotterdam | Karin Reichardt | mailto:karin@guidetomindfulness.nl | Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulness trainer | 654 |
Netherlands | Maastricht | Sascha Rasquin | https://www.hierbenik.care/ | Professional working with MBCL | GZ-Psycholoog | 657 |
Netherlands | Rotterdam | Edith Walraven | mailto:edithwalraven@gmail.com | Professional working with MBCL | Psycholoog, Relatietherapeut, Rouw & verlies begeleider, Coach | 658 |
Netherlands | Zeist en Utrecht | Marie-Lotte van de Kamp | https://www.praktijkvdkamp.nl/ | Professional working with MBCL | GZ-psycholoog, Psychotherapeut | 659 |
Netherlands | Zeist | Steven Cornelissen | https://www.loopbaanconsult.com/ | Professional working with MBCL | Trainer Mindfulness en Compassie, Geestelijk Begeleider (ongebonden) | 660 |
Netherlands | Amersfoort | mailto:info@hannelieshokke.nl | Professional working with MBCL | Psychomotorisch therapeut | 664 | |
Netherlands | Amersfoort | Hannelies Hokke | mailto:info@hannelieshokke.nl | Professional working with MBCL | Psychomotorisch therapeut | 666 |
Netherlands | Zuidwolde, Groningen | Janita Lanting | https://www.ppbewustzijn.nl/ | Professional working with MBCL | Psychotherapeut | 671 |
Netherlands | Groningen and Online in English | Ning Jia | mailto:n.jia@umcg.nl | Professional working with MBCL | Psychologist | 674 |
Netherlands | Leeuwarden | Liesbeth Oberman | https://liesbethoberman.nl/ | Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulnesstrainer en stress- en burnout coach | 675 |
Netherlands | Diemen | Jean Gunsing | mailto:jean.gunsing@gmail.com | Professional working with MBCL | Persoonlijke coaching | 676 |
Netherlands | GGZ-Friesland, Dokkum | Jolanda Bokma | https://www.ggzfriesland.nl/ | Professional working with MBCL | Ambulant verpleegkundige | 677 |
Netherlands | Harmelen, Utrecht en online | Hester van Soest | https://www.helderpunt.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Gezinscoach, Mindful parenting | baby | peuter | Mymind, MSC | 678 |
Netherlands | Leiden e.o. | Gertrude Krayenbosch | mailto:g.krayenbosch@gmail.com | Professional working with MBCL | Beeldend therapeut | 679 |
Netherlands | Oude Wetering (Zuid-Holland) e.o. | Jolanda Zoet | https://www.praktijk-otm.nl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Oefentherapeut Mensendieck, fysiotherapeut | 680 |
Norway | Oslo | Barbra Coco Laurré | mailto:info@creationwork.org | Certified MBCL Teacher | 107 | |
Norway | Kongsvinger, Oslo | Erlend Aschehoug | mailto:psykologbehandling@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 112 | |
Poland | Warsaw, Online | Katarzyna Błachiewicz-Koryga | https://www.sztukaumyslu.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulness teacher, manager | 46 |
Poland | Rzeszów, online | Agata Błaż | https://www.mindfulness.rzeszow.pl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulness, compassion and qigong teacher | 47 |
Poland | Warsaw, Online | Bogna Gąsiorowska | https://www.bognagasiorowska.pl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 48 | |
Poland | Warsaw, Online | Anna Gubernat | https://www.mindfulnesskursy.pl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 49 | |
Poland | Łódź, Online | Katarzyna Jaguszewska | https://www.yogaandmind.pl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 50 | |
Poland | Łódź | Anna Kolasińska | https://www.pracowniaspokoju.pl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 51 | |
Poland | Warsaw, Online | Joanna Kowalik | mailto:medytacjatociekawosc@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 52 | |
Poland | Olsztyn, Online | Monika Kozłowska | mailto:monika.hestkowska@wp.pl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 53 | |
Poland | Opole, Online | Aleksandra Łomzik | https://www.aleksandralomzik.pl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 54 | |
Poland | Poznan, Online | Monika Łuczak | mailto:mind@centrum-mind.pl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 55 | |
Poland | Olsztyn, Online | Marta Markocka-Pepol | https://mbcl-polska.pl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 56 | |
Poland | Poznań, Online | Agnieszka Pawłowska | https://agnieszka-pawlowska.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Psychologist and ACT psychotherapist | 57 |
Poland | Warsaw | Joanna Ryś-Bednarczyk | https://kompasuwaznosci.pl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 58 | |
Poland | Warsaw, Pulawy, Online | Monika Witkowska | mailto:warszawa.mindfulness@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | MBSR & MBCL Teacher, Coach/Trainer of PCM® (Process Communication Model) and Transactional Analysis Practitioner | 477 |
Poland | Warsaw and online | Beata Kuczmarska-Gołda | mailto:beata.kuczmarska@wp.pl | Certified MBCL Teacher | 556 | |
Poland | Warsaw, Poland and online | Jolanta Kolasa | mailto:jolantakolasa@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Physician, PhD | 563 |
Poland | Poland and Portugal | Agnieszka Kaseja | https://agnieszka.kaseja.com/ | Professional working with MBCL | Coach, Mentor, Supervisor | 604 |
Poland | Poland | Ewa Cwalina | https://terapiamasens.pl/ | Professional working with MBCL | Psychologist, cognitive behavioural psychotherapist | 614 |
Poland | Bielsko-Biała and online | Monika Wilkowska | mailto:mhwilkowska@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 616 | |
Poland | Krakow and online | Zuzanna Setkowicz | https://studiouwaznegorozwoju.pl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Neuroscientist | 617 |
Poland | Katowice and Online | Ewa Oszek | https://ewaoszek.pl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 629 | |
Poland | Warsaw and online | Agnieszka Siwek-Posłuszna | mailto:agnieszka@mindfulfields.pl | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Mindfulness and compassion teacher, coach | 634 |
Poland | Zduńska Wola and online | Joanna Sawicz | https://www.joannasawicz.pl/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Psychotherapist | 687 |
Portugal | Portugal (Portuguese and English spoken) | Marta Lopes | https://www.martalopes.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Psychologist | 59 |
Portugal | Retreat centre Quinta Marugo, Portugal | MaryAnn Voli | http://www.voliconsulting.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 60 | |
Portugal | Algarve, Albufeira region | Cindy Verhoeven | https://www.livingact.com/ | Professional working with MBCL | ACT Therapy, Compassion and EMDR | 662 |
Réunion | Guillaume Chaize | https://leguideetlane.fr/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 518 | ||
Russia | East Sussex and online | Julia Romanova-Lofts | https://staymindful.live/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 562 | |
Slovakia | Bratislava | Andrej Jelenik | https://www.mindful.sk | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Psychotherapist, MBSR, MBCT, MBCL teacher | 61 |
Slovakia | Bratislava, Slovakia | Eva Zavacka | https://mindmoments.sk | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | MBSR and MBCL teacher, psychologist and coach | 621 |
Slovenia | Slovenia and online in Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian and English | Ivona Ljubicic | https://www.center-labirint.si | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Gestalt psychotherapist and Somatic Experiencing practitioner, MBSR and MBCL teacher | 62 |
Slovenia | Slovenia, Online | Bree Smej | https://bredasmej.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 63 | |
Slovenia | Slovenia and online | Mateja Lenarcic | https://www.institut-medius.si | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | MBSR teacher, Transactional Analysis specialist, counsellor, trainer, lecturer | 602 |
Spain | Barcelona | Sylvia Comas | https://www.mindfulnessconcorazon.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 64 | |
Spain | Barcelona, Madrid, Santander | Estrella Fernández | https://mbct-spain.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 65 | |
Spain | Ana Maria Soto Munera | mailto:anusito@hotmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 525 | ||
Spain | Miquel Ragull Puig | mailto:mragull@yahoo.es | Certified MBCL Teacher | 526 | ||
Switzerland | Bern | Regula Siegfried | mailto:re.siegfried@bluewin.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 113 | |
Switzerland | Stettlen, Bern | Madeleine Winkler-Duclos | https://www.flowchange.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 114 | |
Switzerland | Bern | Gabriela von Arx | https://www.gabrielavonarx.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 115 | |
Switzerland | Gümligen | Walter Weibel | https://www.hier-sein.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 116 | |
Switzerland | Burgdorf | Kathrin Maurer | mailto:rooibush@gmx.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 117 | |
Switzerland | Brig | Roland Hischier | https://www.mbsr-wallis.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 119 | |
Switzerland | Mörel-Filet | Hilar Schwery | mailto:hilar@mbsr-wallis.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 120 | |
Switzerland | Basel | Monica Elizabeth Brueni | https://www.achtsam-sorgsam.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 121 | |
Switzerland | Basel | Celine M. Brüni | https://www.achtsam-sorgsam.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 122 | |
Switzerland | Basel | Gabriela Pocsai | mailto:gabrielapocsai@gmx.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 123 | |
Switzerland | Wettingen | Elsbeth Schneider | mailto:elsbeth.schneider@hpswetti.educanet2.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 126 | |
Switzerland | Luzern | Sandra Djordjevic | https://www.my-mindfulness.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 127 | |
Switzerland | Luzern | Roland Bütler | https://www.mbsr-luzern.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 128 | |
Switzerland | Schüpfheim | Beatrice Keck | https://www.beatricekeck.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 130 | |
Switzerland | Chur | Lucina Lanfranchi | mailto:lucina.lanfranchi@bluewin.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 131 | |
Switzerland | ZUrich | Martina Egli Meienberg | https://www.mbsr-daffner.de | Certified MBCL Teacher | 133 | |
Switzerland | Zürich | Beatrice Aschmann | mailto:beatrice.aschmann@bluewin.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 134 | |
Switzerland | Zürich | Daniel Buff | https://www.mindful-based.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 135 | |
Switzerland | Kreuzlingen | Andrea Högger | mailto:a.hoegger@gmx.net | Certified MBCL Teacher | 136 | |
Switzerland | Winterthur | Rita Dütsch | mailto:rita.duetsch@bluewin.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 137 | |
Switzerland | Winterthur | Daniela von Siebenthal | https://www.achtsamfuehren.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 138 | |
Switzerland | Winterthur | Regula Keller | https://www.mbsr-winterthur.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 139 | |
Switzerland | Dübendorf | Ruth Kengelbacher | https://www.ruth-kengelbacher.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 140 | |
Switzerland | Uster | Andrea Pollmann | https://www.stressbewaeltigen.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 141 | |
Switzerland | Jona | Manuela Duft | https://www.achtsam-im-jetzt.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 142 | |
Switzerland | Einsiedeln | Priska Studer | mailto:info@stressreduction.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 143 | |
Switzerland | Birmersdorf | Rebekka Pfyl Möckli | https://www.RebekkaPfyl.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 144 | |
Switzerland | St. Gallen | Brigitte Riedmann | https://www.achtsamkeit-stgallen.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 145 | |
Switzerland | St. Gallen | Martina Schubert | mailto:MSchubert@bluewin.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 146 | |
Switzerland | Wil | Pietro Menghini | mailto:pietro.menghini@hin.ch | Certified MBCL Teacher | 148 | |
Switzerland | Jean-Daniel Ruedi | https://ocentre.ch/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | 597 | ||
Switzerland | Switzerland or online in French, German or English language | Simona Viktoria-Balsiger | https://www.gesundes-unternehmen.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Meditation class teacher, psychologist (MSc) | 622 |
Switzerland | Switzerland, Sursee, Bern | Wolfgang Kaeppeli | https://www.achtsamkeitstrainer.ch/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 636 | |
Switzerland | Winterthur und online | Olivia Perucchi | https://www.centerformindfulness.ch/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 647 | |
Switzerland | Stefanie Maggiorini-Rinker | stefanie@maggiorini-rinker.ch | Professional working with MBCL | Lehrerin Primarschule | 681 | |
Türkiye | Istanbul | Zümra Atalay | https://www.mindfulnessinstitute.com.tr | Certified MBCL Teacher | 66 | |
Türkiye | Ankara | Gürçin Gökçebağ | mailto:gurcingokce@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 67 | |
Türkiye | Istanbul (teaching in English) | Constantinos Hadjichristofi | https://www.wiselivin.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 68 | |
Türkiye | Türkiye | Tuba Müftüoğlu | https://www.talktubana.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 69 | |
Türkiye | Ihsan Yelkencioglu | mailto:bilgi@beninsanakademi.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 504 | ||
Türkiye | Deniz Dedeoğlu | mailto:sakindenizmindfulness@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 505 | ||
Türkiye | Canan Coşkun Sayın | mailto:canan@mindfulnessvesefkatakademi.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 506 | ||
Türkiye | Eda Öztürk Belet | mailto:pskedaozturk@gmail.com | Professional working with MBCL | 598 | ||
Türkiye | Türkiye | Selcuk Aslan | https://www.drselcukaslan.com/ | Professional working with MBCL | Psychiatrist | 613 |
Türkiye | Türkiye | Sinem Tütenler | https://www.gattomind.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 639 | |
Türkiye | Kocaeli (Türkiye) and online | Filiz Akçabozan | mailto:filiz.akcabzn@outlook.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 640 | |
Türkiye | Türkiye | Tuba Müftüoğlu | https://www.talktubana.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 645 | |
Türkiye | Türkiye and online internationally | Pelin Tellioğlu | mailto:pelintellioglu18@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Medical Doctor (working as a family doctor), specialised in Psychoneuroimmunology | 661 |
Türkiye | Adana and online | Onur Uçak Türer | mailto:oucak@yahoo.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 663 | |
UK | South East, London | Alison Armstrong | https://cusp.ac.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 70 | |
UK | Taunton | Miranda Bevis | https://www.somersetmindfulness.co.uk/home/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 71 | |
UK | North Devon | Irene Brown | mailto:renitab@hotmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 72 | |
UK | Brighton, Sussex area, Online | Josie Chedgey | mailto:josie.chedgey@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 73 | |
UK | Lancashire (Preston) | Bryan Dalgleish-Warburton | https://www.mindfully-resilient.co.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 74 | |
UK | Stafford, West Midlands, Online | Victoria Door | https://www.paat.org.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 75 | |
UK | The Quaker Centre, Dundonald Drive, Leigh-on-Sea | Pat Elliott | mailto:pmelliott27@icloud.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 76 | |
UK | North Devon, Exeter | Alison Evans | https://www.vividmindfulness.co.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 77 | |
UK | London | Linda Fisher | mailto:fisherlind@googlemail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 78 | |
UK | Totnes, South Devon | Ollie Frame | https://www.ollieframe.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 79 | |
UK | Newcastle upon Tyne, North-East England | Gwennie Fraser | https://mindfulnessinlife.co.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 80 | |
UK | Kate Gooch | https://www.mindfulness4life.co.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 81 | ||
UK | Brighton, London | Ronnie Gower | mailto:ronnygower@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 82 | |
UK | Maidstone, Kent UK, Germany, online | Barbara Hussong | https://www.barbarahussong.co.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Biodynamic Psychotherapist, Mindfulness Teacher and Supervisor | 83 |
UK | London | Alexander Irving | https://www.londonmindful.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 84 | |
UK | Cornwall, Online | Stephanie Jackson | https://www.mindfulmedicinecornwall.co.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 85 | |
UK | Colchester and surrounding area | Heather Rachel Johnston | http://www.mindtrip.co.uk/1/heatherracheljohnston/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 86 | |
UK | Wolverhampton, West Midlands | Teresa Lewis | https://www.lewispsy.org.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 87 | |
UK | Saffron Walden, Essex, Cambridge | Chantek Mary McNeilage | https://www.becomingmindful.co.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 88 | |
UK | Brighton | Nicky Mouat | https://www.simplymindfulnessbrighton.co.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | 89 | |
UK | Brighton, Sussex area | Bridgette O’Neill | mailto:bridgetteoneill@ymail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 90 | |
UK | London | Nicole Perkins | http://www.nicoleperkinsmindfulness.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 91 | |
UK | Dorset | Alison Purnell | https://live-breathe.co.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 92 | |
UK | Kent, Online | Cesare Saguato | https://www.cesaremindfultherapy.com/ | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Psychotherapist | 93 |
UK | Maidenhead, Berkshire | Greg Scott | https://mindfulnessmaidenhead.co.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 94 | |
UK | Dheeresh Turnbull | mailto:dheeresh.turnbull@canterbury.ac.uk | Certified MBCL Teacher | 95 | ||
UK | South Yorkshire | Elaine Weatherley | mailto:e.weatherley.jones@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher | 96 | |
UK | Birmingham | Frances Hayes | mailto:frances@franceshayes.co.uk | Certified MBCL Teacher | 97 | |
UK | Ed Halliwell | https://mindfulnesssussex.co.uk/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 479 | ||
UK | Lucy Woods | https://presenceofmind.life/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 480 | ||
UK | East Sussex and online | Julia Lofts | https://staymindful.live/ | Certified MBCL Teacher | 561 | |
UK | South East London, online | Stirling Moorey | mailto:cognitiveconnections1@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Consultant psychiatrist (retired), CBT therapist, trainer and supervisor, mindfulness teacher | 567 |
UK | England and Ireland | Catherine Pestano | mailto:creativecroydon@gmail.com | Professional working with MBCL | Social worker | 600 |
UK | Online | Ana Cristina Atanes | mailto:atanescristina@gmail.com | Certified MBCL Teacher, Professional working with MBCL | Counsellor and mindfulness researcher | 608 |
USA | USA | Joan Glass Morgan | https://www.joanglassmorgan.com/ | Professional working with MBCL | Psychologist | 606 |
Country | Teaching Location | Name | Contact | Category |
Click the + to the left of the country to expand the entry for more information

How to forgive yourself and others – Mindfulness-Based Training in Forgiveness
by Frits | Sep 7, 2024
As human beings, we all sometimes find it difficult to understand and accept things that have gone wrong – either by ourselves or by others. We may then dwell in blaming, resentment or bitterness, and we usually do not become happier as a result. The meaning and value...

International Online MBCL Teacher Training 2023
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"May there be kindness in your gaze when you look within." - John O´Donohue This line from John O’Donohue’s poem "For Belonging’"can perhaps be an inspiration for us all, for the year ahead. The poem was read at the end of the online Teacher Training in...

Act kindly – A book in Dutch about compassion training for children
by Frits | Sep 26, 2023
In the world we live in today, kindness and compassion are qualities that are easily overwhelmed by the harshness we can meet in ourselves and in the world around us. However as science has confirmed, kindness and compassion are very important contributors to...