English, German |
Jana Willms |
https://www.achtsamkeit-willms.de |
Ich bin Diplom-Psychologin, zertifizierte MBSR-, MBCT- und MBCL-Seniorlehrerin und achtsamkeitsbasierte Supervisorin. Die Praxis von Achtsamkeit und Mitgefühl begleitet mich seit mehr als 20 Jahren durch mein Leben und bildet die Grundlage und Inspiration meiner Arbeit. Ich unterrichte MBSR und MBCL im Online-Format und in Präsenz an verschiedenen Orten in Deutschland, bin Dozentin in der Weiterbildung zum/zur MBCL-Lehrer*in am Institut für Achtsamkeit (IAS) und Mitautorin des deutschen MBCL-Handbuchs "Mitgefühl üben. Das große MBCL-Praxisbuch.” Ich habe in den USA gelebt und spreche fließend Englisch. Vor dem Studium habe ich eine Ausbildung zur Physiotherapeutin gemacht und praktiziere seit vielen Jahren Yoga. |
407 |
German |
Heike Alsleben |
https://www.heike-alsleben.de |
Dozentin, Supervisorin und Fachleiterin für MBCT im Institut für Achtsamkeit (IAS), Diplom-Psychologin, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin (VT), MBSR-/MBCT-/MBCL-Lehrerin (Senior-Teacher-Level) Mitarbeiterin der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie am Uniklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Co-Leitung der Spezialambulanz für Angst- und Zwangsstörungen. Regelmäßige Kursangebote bezogen auf MBCT, MBSR und MBCL. Dozentin in der Weiterbildung von Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten und anderen Gesundheitsberufen sowie in der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung. Supervisorin in der MBCT-, MBSR- und MBCL-Ausbildung und für MBI-Lehrende. MBI-Fortbildungen bei: Saki Santorelli, Florence Meleo-Meyer, Rebecca Crane, Rick Hanson und Ron Siegel. Einjährige Fortbildung über Metta-Meditation bei Marie Mannschatz. Eigene langjährige Metta-Meditations- und Retreatpraxis. Autorin, aktueller Buchtitel: “Achtsame Wege aus der Depression”, erschienen in der Reihe “Achtsam leben” des Scorpio Verlags. |
408 |
English, French, German |
Gabriela C. von Arx |
https://www.gabrielavonarx.ch |
Dozentin für MBSR im Institut für Achtsamkeit (IAS), MBSR-/MBCL-Lehrerin, Ausbildung in Coaching, Organisationsberatung und Supervision BSO, Institut für Identität und Selbsterkenntnis Basel. Diplomierte Physiotherapeutin HF. Geschäftsführerin Institut für Identität und Selbsterkenntnis. Langjährige Führungserfahrung sowie Tätigkeit als Organisationsberaterin, Supervisorin, Coach und Ausbildnerin. Übungspraxis und Meditationserfahrung in verschiedenen Traditionen seit 1995. Weiterbildung zur MBSR-/MBCL Lehrerin am IAS. Fortbildungen bei Jon Kabat-Zinn und Saki Santorelli. Von 2011 bis 2015 Präsidium bzw. Vorstandsmitglied im MBSR-Verband Schweiz. Durchführung von MBSR/MBCL-Kursen, Dozentin am IAS in MBSR-Lehrer-Weiterbildung, Einführungen und Schulungen in Achtsamkeit in verschiedenen Institutionen sowie achtsamkeitsbasiertes Einzel-Coaching. |
409 |
Dutch, English, German |
Erik van den Brink |
https://www.mbcl.org |
Co-founder of MBCL, MBSR/MBCT/MBCL teacher Erik van den Brink is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and trainer in mindfulness and compassion practice. He has a long meditation practice in Zen and Vipassana and is trained by leading teachers in MBSR, MBCT, Interpersonal Mindfulness, Mindfulness-Based Supervision, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy. He has more than 30 years of experience in outpatient psychiatry, was co-founder of the Centre for Integrative Psychiatry in Groningen (NL), now works in his own practice and in psychooncology. With Frits Koster he developed Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL). He lectures in several European countries. |
410 |
German |
Karin Krudup |
https://www.karin-krudup.de |
Dozentin für MBSR und MBCL im Institut für Achtsamkeit (IAS), MBSR-/MBCT-/MBCL-Lehrerin. |
412 |
German |
Christian Stocker |
https://hausamfluss.org/ |
Dipl. Kommunikationsdesigner, MBSR-/MBCL-Lehrer, Coach, Berater, Autor Christian Stocker kam 2005 mit Achtsamkeit und Meditation in Berührung, dies veränderte sein Leben tiefgreifend. Umfassende Weiterbildungen in Hypno-systemischem Coaching, Klinischer Hypnose, GfK (Gewaltfreier Kommunikation) sowie MBSR (seit 2010) und MBCL (seit 2014) bereicherten seinen Erfahrungsschatz weiter. Heute arbeitet er als freiberuflicher Berater, Trainer und Coach. Zusammen mit Jana Willms, Frits Koster und Erik van den Brink hat er das neue MBCL-Praxisbuch „Mitgefühl üben“ geschrieben, dass 2020 im Springer Verlag erschienen ist. |
413 |
English, French, German |
Jean-Daniel Rüedi |
https://www.ocentre.ch |
Formateur, coach et thérapeute. Jean-Daniel s’est formé en tant qu’instructeur MBSR auprès de l’IMA et comme instructeur MBCL auprès de Frits Koster et Erik Van den Brink. Il transmet les pratiques de pleine conscience de compassion dans ces activités avec des groupes et en individuel. Formé à la supervision auprès du Mindfulness Network il accompagne des instructeurs MBCL et MBSR dans le développement de leur activé. Il est actif en Suisse et à l’international ainsi qu’en ligne en français et en anglais. |
414 |
French |
Laurence Thomas |
https://www.consonanceandco.com |
Coach professionnelle MCC et superviseuse de coachs, Laurence enseigne la pleine conscience au travers des programmes MBSR et MBCL ainsi que sous la forme d’ateliers en entreprise. Certifiée à l’Approche Neurocognitive et Comportementale, elle apprécie de combiner plusieurs lectures qui s’éclairent et s’enrichissent mutuellement. Auteur pour les Editions Dunod, elle apporte également sa contribution à l’application Petit BamBou. Elle propose les chroniques « Choisissez d’être heureux… », invitation à cultiver pleine conscience et compassion au quotidien |
415 |
English, French |
Fairouz Vergnes |
mailto:faverel@gmail.com |
Médecin au CHU de Bordeaux. Devenue instructeur MBSR formée par l’IMA, puis instructeur MBCL formée auprès des auteurs du programme, Frits Koster et Erik van den Brink, elle met actuellement ses compétences au service des patients et des soignants. Elle contribue à diffuser le programme MBCL en France, ayant traduit et co-écrit leur livre ‘Le défi de la compassion : vivre avec cœur’ (De Boeck Supérieur, 2021). |
416 |
Polish |
Bogna Gąsiorowska |
https://www.polski-instytut-mindfulness.pl |
Absolwentka Psychologii Pozytywnej UW, Wiceprezes Polskiego Instytutu Mindfulness, certyfikowany trener biznesu i FRIS® (style myślenia i działania), prelegent na konferencjach o tematyce happiness at work, współautorka artykułu Transforming 21st-century Leader Competencies by Developing Mindfulness. Jej zainteresowania koncentrują się na rozwijaniu uważnego przywództwa w edukacji i biznesie oraz budowaniu dobrostanu psychicznego pracowników poprzez wdrażanie (MBIs). Współautorka wraz z Małgorzatą Jakubczak programu MBTT (Mindfulness-Based Teacher Training) i ogólnopolskiego projektu UWAŻNA SZKOŁA. PL-Warszawa – Certyfikowany nauczyciel MBSR i MBCL. |
417 |
Polish |
Anna Gubernat |
https://www.mindfulnesskursy.pl |
towarzyszę jako trener uczestnikom 8-tyg. Kursów MBSR (od 2015) i 8-tyg. Kursów MBCL (od 2019). W 2013 roku założyłam Koło Naukowe Mindfulness na Uniwersytecie SWPS w Warszawie, gdzie byłam przewodniczącą do 2018 r. Od roku 2014 byłam prezesem Polskiego Towarzystwa Mindfulness, do rezygnacji w 2019 r. Praktyka własna – buddyzm tybetański w linii Karma Kagyu od 1995 roku. Przeprowadziłam najwięcej w Polsce 8-tyg. kursów MBSR i MBCL. Więcej informacji o mnie znajdziesz na stronie. |
418 |
Polish |
Agnieszka Pawłowska |
https://www.agnieszka-pawlowska.com |
Jestem psycholożką, a także jedną z pierwszych w Polsce certyfikowanych nauczycielek mindfulness (MBSR) oraz compassion (MBCL). Posiadam certyfikat trenera MBB (Mind-Body Bridging), Coacha ICC oraz Mindfulness Life Coacha. Ukończyłam także szkolenia Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness oraz Finding Peace in the Frantic World. Na co dzień pracuję z klientami indywidualnymi i biznesowymi. Prowadzę także zajęcia dla studentów oraz pomagam wdrażać uważność do polskich szkół. Jestem autorką 9 książek dla dzieci z serii Kraina Uważności. |
419 |
English, Spanish |
Sylvia Comas |
https://www.mindfulnessconcorazon.com |
Licenciada de ADE y MBA, trabajé como directiva en diversos países durante 20 años, durante los cuales pude experimentar en primera persona el estrés y sus efectos en la mente y en el cuerpo. Practicante de yoga desde 1992 y de meditación desde 1998. Profesora certificada de reducción de estrés con el programa MBSR por el CfM de la Univ. de Massachusetts desde 2012 e Instructora acreditada de MBCL desde 2018. Mi foco está en difundir una práctica de Mindfulness amable y compasiva en la sociedad. |
420 |
English |
Ronnie Gower |
https://supervision.mindfulness-network.org/choose-a-supervisor/ronnie-gower/ |
I work as a Mindfulness Teacher and Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist for the NHS and Macmillan cancer charity, where I deliver MBCT (Ca) and MBCL courses. I also teach MBCT and MBCL courses to the general public. Prior to this I worked as a Dental Surgeon in the NHS with a particular interest in treating patients with additional clinical and psychological needs. Particularly those patients with mouth cancer. |
421 |
English |
Kate Gooch |
https://www.mindfulness4life.co.uk |
I’ve taught mindfulness since 2008, mainly to general population groups and in clinical contexts, as well in schools and the workplace. I teach MBCT for Depression, MBCT for Anxiety, MBCT for General Well-being, MBSR, MBCT for Life, MBCL, and MBIs in schools. In addition, I run courses through Sussex Mindfulness Centre (SMC) and I’m an Associate Teacher for Mindful Health, an organisation that works in collaboration with the SMC to provide mindfulness teacher training. I’m also a qualified Speech and Language Therapist. In addition to MiSP training and experience, I’ve taught MBSR to pupils and teachers, and delivered MBCT for Life to teachers as part of the MYRIAD research trial. I’ve also taught MBCT to carers. |
422 |
English, German |
Barbara Hussong |
https://www.barbarahussong.co.uk |
I offer supervision in English and German. I trained as a mindfulness-based teacher through Bangor University in 2005/6 and have been teaching 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction / Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBSR/MBCT) courses to the general public in Kent since 2006 in group settings and to individuals face-to-face and as a distance learning course. I also provide introductions to mindfulness for people with long-term mental illness. In 2017 I completed the training in Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL) with Erik van den Brink and in MBCT-L (for life) and offer both courses in Kent. I have been working as a Biodynamic Psychotherapist (UKCP reg.) since 2000, with individuals presenting with a wide range of difficulties and specialise in using one-to-one mindfulness informed approaches in clinical settings. Since 2009 I have been engaged in supervising mindfulness teachers and offering mentoring for their mindfulness practice. I have a special interest in expanding and deepening mindfulness practice beyond the 8-week course and so offer groups, practice days and retreats as on-going support and help in facing and working with life’s difficulties in greater awareness. |
423 |
English |
Alison Evans |
https://www.vividmindfulness.co.uk |
I am currently the Supervision Lead for the Mindfulness Network and a member of the core training team at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) at Bangor University, with a particular focus on Mindfulness-based Supervision (MBS) training. I co-founded the Mindfulness Network in 2012 and co-directed/directed the charity until 2021. From 2008-2017, I was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Exeter and worked as a mindfulness-based cognitive therapist and trainer. I led the postgraduate training, two specific IAPT training programs and a Supervised Pathway in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapies and Approaches. I also led the NHS Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) service within the AccEPT clinic. Prior to my work at the University of Exeter, I worked as an Occupational Therapist in NHS mental health settings. |
424 |
Dutch, English, German |
Frits Koster |
https://www.fritskoster.com |
Born in 1957 in the Netherlands, I lived as a Buddhist monk for six years in South East Asia. I have written several books on Buddhist psychology; after returning to the Netherlands, I trained as a nurse in psychiatric settings. I developed as a qualified MBSR/MBCT teacher in 2007, I am now affiliated as a tutor at various training institutes across the world. Together with my partner Jetty Heynekamp, I teach meditation retreats. With Erik van den Brink I co-founded the Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living training. Together we wrote several books on MBCL, which are published in various countries and languages. |
425 |
English |
Nicky Mouat |
https://www.simplymindfulnessbrighton.co.uk |
I am a Mindfulness Teacher, Supervisor and Dual Qualified Registered Nurse (Mental Health and Adult General) . I have been teaching Mindfulness since 2015, when I trained as a Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy Teacher with the Sussex Mindfulness Centre. I went on to train in Mindfulness based Relapse Prevention, and have taught 50+ eight-week courses in both MBCT and MBRP since then, in NHS, Charity and Community settings. In addition to this I have taught adapted courses, and delivered workshops in many organizations, including NHS Clinical Commissioning Departments, University of Brighton Student Wellbeing Services, and HIV Services in Brighton. I am a regular Visiting Lecturer at the University of Brighton, and currently teach the Mindfulness Module on the Adult Mental Health Nursing BA. I am also currently Co-teaching MBRP to Mindfulness teachers with Ser Integral, the Portuguese Centre for Mindfulness, Lisbon. I am an associate teacher for the Sussex Mindfulness Centre, and value my connection with this community. As a Dual trained Registered Nurse, I have 30 years experience of working in NHS Mental Health services, Substance Misuse Services, Palliative Care and HIV Services, and have experience of teaching mindfulness in all of these settings. My work is now mostly mindfulness based, and I divide my time between teaching eight-week courses, and supervising students and mindfulness teachers. |
427 |
English |
Gwennie Fraser |
https://www.mindfulnessinlife.co.uk |
I have been teaching MBSR courses for the general public, workshops for local businesses and organisations, follow-up courses and retreats in northeast England and Northumberland since 2007. I have also been teaching one-to-one Distance Learning programmes and supervising mindfulness-based teachers and trainees through the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP), Bangor University since 2010, and now as an Associate of the Mindfulness Network. I have a background in medical anthropology and have always been interested in the vital connection between mind and body, and its implications for well-being. My PhD thesis explored the ritual healing practices of indigenous people in the Bolivian Andes. |
428 |
English |
Bridgette O’Neill |
mailto:b.oneill@bangor.ac.uk |
In addition to my role as supervisor and retreat lead with the Mindfulness Network, I am an associate of the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice, where I work as a tutor on the Masters programme and a trainer and mentor on the CPPD path. I am also an associate of the Sussex Mindfulness Centre, where I work as a trainer and supervisor and teach MBIs to NHS staff and clients. I am a clinical psychologist by professional training and was employed in NHS secondary care mental health services for 16 years. I began teaching mindfulness in the NHS in 2002 and was involved in developing mindfulness provision within Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. I held a strategic role in the NHS and have experience of service development and governance. As well as being an Associate for CMRP and SMC, I teach MBCT and MBSR in the 3rd sector and for the general public. |
429 |
Dutch, English |
Marleen ter Avest |
https://www.note-to-mind.com |
Psycholoog, compassie- en mindfulness trainer en onderzoeker. |
430 |
Dutch |
Annetje Brunner |
https://www.dewerkschuur.nl |
De Werkschuur Nieuwe Schoolweg 28, Glimmen. Tel. 06-45085157. |
432 |
Dutch |
Ronald de Caluwé |
https://www.relaxmore.nl |
Relax More - C. A. Weersma-van Duinstraat 42, Zutphen. Tel. 06-19136336. |
433 |
Dutch |
Tineke Coolen |
https://www.zelfzorgretraite.nl |
Scholtisstraat 48, Velden (Venlo). Tel. 06-22275601. |
434 |
Dutch |
Mieke Degenaar |
https://www.heelimperfect.nl |
Leven en werken vanuit rust en compassie - Mindfulness- en compassietrainer, begeleider van stilte retraites. Dolderseweg 214, 3734 BP Den Dolder. Tel. 00-31-(0)6-29112511. |
435 |
Dutch |
Chris Grijns |
https://www.mindfulwerken.nl |
Mindful werken en gezondheidsmanagement - Nieuwendammerdijk 306, Amsterdam. Tel. 06-23242364. |
436 |
Dutch |
Rommy Hutting |
https://sense-aandachttraining.nl/ |
Sense Aandachttraining - Groningen. |
437 |
Dutch |
Ingrid Jacobs |
mailto:ingrid.jacobs@uzgent.be |
Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent en Psychotherapeutisch Centrum Gent. |
438 |
Dutch, English |
Wendy Kersemaekers |
https://www.kersenpit-mindfulness.nl |
Mindfulness en compassietrainer Kersenpit-Mindfulness | Training | Onderzoek - Heilig Landstichting (bij Nijmegen). Tel. 06-25024353. |
439 |
Dutch |
Caroline van Kolmeschate |
mailto:cvankolmeschate@hotmail.com |
Gz-psycholoog, mindfulness- en compassietrainer Psychologiepraktijk voor Mindfulness, omgeving Alkmaar en GGZ-instelling Invivo Clinics te Amstelveen. |
440 |
Dutch |
Annalies Otten Hagen |
https://www.mhooj.nl |
Praktijk MHOOJ - Boerhaavelaan 16, Zwolle. Tel: 06-47462543. |
442 |
Dutch |
Peter Paanakker |
https://peterpaanakker.nl/ |
Mindful Leven en Werken - E 16 A Zuidlaren Tel. 06-22277428. |
443 |
Dutch |
Karin Rekvelt |
https://www.keyworks.nl |
Registerpsycholoog Arbeid en Gezondheid NIP en CSR partner - Prinsengracht 1031-D, Amsterdam |
444 |
Dutch, English |
Roeland Schaddelee |
https://www.mindfulnesspsycholoog.nl |
GZ-psycholoog, Cognitief gedragstherapeut. Supervisor VGCT. Psychologiepraktijk Denken en Zijn - Claudiagaarde 20, Bussum. Tel. 06-26996310. Ook online supervisie mogelijk. |
445 |
Dutch |
Titia Schram |
https://www.titiaschram.nl |
Klinisch psycholoog / psychotherapeut, mindfulness- en compassietrainer, sensomotorisch psychotherapeut - Heemsteedse Dreef 38, 2102 KL Heemstede. |
446 |
Dutch |
Fabiola Schurmans |
https://www.psychotherapie-deventer.nl |
Klinisch Psycholoog; GZ-Psycholoog - Diepenveenseweg 22, Deventer. Tel. 06-10998542. |
447 |
Dutch |
Ancilla van Steekelenburg |
mailto:avsteekelenburg@gmail.com |
Hindestraat 26, Nijmegen. |
448 |
Dutch |
Yvonne Tuinte |
https://www.centrumvoormindfulnessflevoland.nl |
Drielander 15, Dronten. Tel. 06-15535338 |
449 |
Dutch |
Matt Tijssen |
https://psychotherapie-heiloo.nl/ |
Centrum Hart&Ziel - Sluijsweidt 9, 1-hoog 1851 EM Heiloo. Tel. 06-51991492 |
450 |
Dutch |
Maryvonne Verkerke |
https://www.gentleminds.nl |
Mindfulness- en Compassietrainer, ACT Therapeut - Vlietzorgstraat 15, Haarlem. Tel. 06-30773972. |
451 |
Dutch |
Fokje Westerling |
https://www.solidconcepts.nl |
SolidConcepts - Kamerlingheplein 15, Groningen. Tel. 06-24200882. |
452 |
Lithuanian |
Lina Bagdonaviciene |
http://www.bagdonaviciene.psichologas.lt/ |
Psichologė-psichoterapeutė, Kognityvinės ir elgesio terapijos supervizorė, MBSR, MBCT, MBCL programų mokytoja, lektorė. Mindfulness pradėjau praktikuoti nuo 2011 metų. Metodikas taikau tiek su individualiais klientais, tiek vesdama grupes. Asmeninę naudą pastebėjau pradėjus praktikuoti, tačiau tik ilgų metų praktikavimo dėka giliau perpratau šias programas. Tai vienos iš geriausių metodikų, kurios padeda integruoti kitus šiuolaikinės psichoterapijos įgūdžius. |
494 |
Portuguese |
Cristina Atanes |
mailto:atanescristina@gmail.com |
I am an online teacher at Instituto Plenativamente in Brazil where I teach the 8-week MBCL Course and the Teacher Training of Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP). I started my training in Mindfulness with the British institution Breathworks and am accredited to teach Mindfulness and Compassion for Health and Mindfulness for Stress. I am an online counsellor registered by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and my practice is also informed by mindfulness and compassion therapeutic strategies. Currently I belong to the post-doctoral program of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) with the Department of Psychobiology, integrating the Mindfulness Workgroup. I hold a PhD in Health and Social Care (Bangor University) and a Master in Public Health (UNIFESP). I am part of the Awakened Heart Sangha in the UK, as a student of Lama Shenpen Hookham in the Mahamudra and Dzogchen teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. |
509 |
Turkish |
İhsan Yelkencioğlu |
https://beninsanakademi.com |
1976 Senesinde İstanbul’da doğdu. Lisans eğitimini siyaset bilimi ve kamu yönetimi üzerine yaptıktan sonra, İşletme Masterı (MBA) ve Çağdaş İşletme yönetimini doktorasını (Ph.D) tamamladı. Kendi hayatını sorgulamaya başladıktan sonra 2009 yılında ilk olarak “Reiki” enerji şifası eğitimi aldı ve bu konuda master oldu. Daha sonra regresyon uzmanlığı ve bütünsel koçluk eğitimlerini aldı. 2019 Senesi’nde Mindfulness eğitmeni oldu. Mindfulness Temelli Stres Azaltma (MBSR) ve Mindfulness Temelli Şefkatli Yaşam (MBCL) eğitmeni, Mindfulness Süpervizörü ve Profesyonel Bütüncül Koç (PCC) olan İhsan Yelkencioğlu, bir üniversitede, Mindfulness, pozitif psikoloji ve endüstri psikolojisi alanlarında dersler vermektedir. Kurucusu olduğu ‘Ben İnsan Akademi’ bünyesinde bireysel ve kurumsal alanda Mindfulness temelli kişisel ve kurumsal gelişim programları hazırlamakta ve eğitimler vermektedir. “Nowanda” Mindfulness aplikasyonu için meditasyon hazırlamakta ve seslendirmektedir. İhsan Yelkencioğlu, Minded Türkiye (Mindfulness Eğitmenleri Derneği) ve ICF (Uluslararası Koçluk Federasyonu) üyesidir. |
586 |
Turkish |
Zümra Atalay |
https://www.mindfulnessinstitute.com.tr/ |
Prof. Dr. Zümra Atalay, Psikolojik Danışman ve Mindfulness Eğitmenidir. 2014 yılında Mindfulness Institute Türkiye’yi kurmuştur. Temel çalışma alanı bilinçli farkındalık (mindfulness), bilinçli farkındalık temelli terapiler, şefkat (compassion) ve şefkat temelli terapilerdir. Doktora tezi de bu iki konu üzerinedir. Üniversitede verdiği derslerin ve akademik çalışmaların yanı sıra Mindfulness Institute bünyesinde MBSR, MBCT, MBCL ve diğer mindfulness temelli grup çalışmaları, yurt içi ve yurt dışından alanında uzman kişiler ile çeşitli alanlara yönelik mindfulness eğitimleri ve eğitici eğitmenlikleri düzenlemektedir. MBSR, MBCT ve MBCL Eğitici Eğitmeni ve süpervizörüdür. Ayrıca bireysel seanslar, konuşmalar ve kurumlara yönelik eğitimler vermektedir. Aynı zamanda Mindfulness, Şefkat ve Kabul ile ilgili 6 kitabın yazarıdır. Türkiye Mindfulness Eğitmenleri Derneği (MINDED) kurucu üyesi, başkanı ve Mindfulness Meditasyonu telefon uygulaması olan Mindoor App kurucu ortağıdır. |
646 |
Dutch, English |
Rhoda Schuling |
mailto:rschuling@gmail.com |
Rhoda Schuling has been a mindfulness teacher since 2012 and has taught MBSR for many years in the health setting (Radboudumc Centre for Mindfulness). In 2013, she started her PhD on Compassion in Recurrent Depression at the Radboudumc Centre for Mindfulness, under supervision of professor Anne Speckens (Radboudumc) and Professor Willem Kuyken (Oxford University). She has been giving presentations and workshops at conferences on mindfulness, compassion, meditation and healthy lifestyle since 2011, including the International Conference on Mindfulness in Rome and Amsterdam, the Omega institute in New York, Mind and Life Europe, and the Body, Mind, Unity Conference on Compassion in Prague. She became a certified MBCL teacher in 2020, and continues to teach mindfulness and compassion in workshops, to individual participants and in groups. In 2022, she joined the MBCL teacher-trainer team. She also works as a Senior Researcher at the Hanze University in the Netherlands, conducting research into healthy lifestyle and the interplay between lifestyle and mental health. |
682 |